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Cybrary Birthday Book Club

Birthdays are special days, and you can make a child’s birthday even more special by honoring them in a unique way that will last for years…add a book to the St. Agnes-St. Dominic library. This will allow your child to share this special day with classmates and with others who will follow.

We at SAA-SDS are extremely proud of our library collection. However, the spiraling cost of books and other information resources makes it a challenge to keep pace and provide many of the resources that we would like to have in our collection. You can help by enrolling your child in the Library Birthday Book Club.

During the month of each member’s birthday, the birthday honoree is invited to choose a book from the special “birthday shelf” of new books appropriate to each age group. A bookplate honoring your child is placed inside the book, and the birthday boy or girl is the first person to check out the book. When the book is returned, it is placed in the appropriate collection for the other students to check out and enjoy, and it becomes a permanent part of our library collection.

The Library Birthday Book Club is open to students from Pre-K through grade twelve as well as faculty and staff. Honorariums and memorials are also welcome…a gift to the library is a wonderful way to honor a special event, a teacher’s birthday, or to remember a special person at Christmas. Why not begin a tradition that can last up to 15 years by joining the Library Birthday Book Club?

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